Thursday, August 13, 2009

More On Health Care

Wow, I realize what is going on here. I had a conversation with someone who is opposed to health care reform. Here's what it boils down to.

"I don't want the government telling me what I should do about my health."


"I have a friend who is being harassed by her insurer to lose wait and adopt a healthier life style, can you imagine?"

followed with

"People who are unhealthy should pay more."

OK, pardon me but these two are diametrically opposed to each other? I mean if you are diagnosed with some health problem in this persons view point then you should pay more for you health insurance and leave my 'healthy" bill alone? But, if you are on health insurance you should not be reminded or encouraged to adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

I think this goes right back to my previous post about the potholes. It's my money and not yours until it affects me and then I want you to help me....

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Belchertown, Massachusetts, United States
Experiences in life: marriage, kids, computers, flying, remodeling, learning